I’ve been busy – – – – Really Busy This Spring!!!

It’s been several months since we talked, and I want to apologize to all of you. However, I’m back and I want to let you know what I’ve been doing.

Since we last spoke my oldest granddaughter graduated from high school and I now have a new grandson (number 12). I’ve been studying for a Quality Engineering Certification, and I’ve been helping my husband, Sweet-Ole-Bob, get ready for a couple of weeks hiking on the Appalachian Trail. He has been there and back by now, but you might want to check out the Newsletter that he published about his hike. Check out the April Posts on Walker’s Walks . You might want to Subscribe to his Newsletter while you’re there. He’s wandering around the Mohican State Forest in Ohio now.

There are a whole bunch of things that I’ll tell you about later, but for now I want you to be aware of my new gardening project/experiment. I have been having issues with “Tomato Blight” which is soil borne and causes the tomato leaves to die back from the ground up. This opens the ripening tomatoes to sun scald.

So I bought a couple of bales of straw, conditioned them by soaking them with water, (This will begin the composting process) and after a few days when the composting heat subsides, will plant the tomatoes directly into the straw. The idea is to keep the roots out of the soil and the plants high enough so that the rain doesn’t splash the soil up onto the plants.

I’ll be planting the tomatoes in a week or so.

Stay Tuned for Coming Attractions,

About The Late Emerging Artist

This is the site of "The Emerging Artist's Newsletter. I use it to track the progress of the Art that I am currently creating. The typical Newsletter publishes once or twice a month, depending of how creative I am at any given time.

Posted on July 3, 2017, in gardening, Juice Plus, Nutrition, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Virtual Franchise. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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