Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mother’s Day is Coming on May 10th

Tower Garden copy

If your Mom is an avid gardener, but has a bit of trouble with the digging, hoeing, raking part, Check out this self-contained aeroponic growing system

Check Out This Tower Garden

Judy's Signature Word

Look What I Found!!!!!

I started the “Spring Cleaning” in the garden over the weekend, and look what I found!

Judy Aconites




judy snowdrops


and Snowdrops

Not only the Spring flowers, but when my husband and I were walking on Sunday, we heard and saw the Red-Winged Blackbird scouts that had just arrived from the south. If the Red-Wings are back, can the Florida “Snow Birds” be far behind?????

If things go as planned, I’ll be planting peas in the garden tomorrow. “Saint Patrick’s Day”.

“Sure and Begorrah!!!!!!

Judy's Signature Word

Don’t forget to take your Juice Plus+

Grandma’s Oatmeal and Cranberries

Grandma Judy Says Enhanced Oatmeal copy

Check out our Order Form . I would recommend getting started on our Garden and Orchard Blend. It is not only what you need for this recipe, but it is a

“Great Beginning to a Healthier You.”

Grandma’s Ramen Soup with Nutrition Built In

So you thought that Ramen Noodle Soup isn’t good for you?????? Check this out.

Grandma Judy Says Ramen Veggies

What do you think?